4 Sessions - Laser Therapy Pain Relief
4 Sessions - Laser Therapy Pain Relief
Laser Therapy allows Adirondack Spine and Sports Chiropractic to provide patients with an effective, non-invasive, non-addictive, pain relief option. This evidence based therapy can be used as:
- Adjunct or substitute to prescription drugs-
- Substitute for surgery
- Pre-surgery treatment
- Post-surgery treatment to accelerate healing/lessen scar tissue
- Long-term pain management system
- Acute injury treatment
Laser therapy has even been adopted as an essential pain management tool by providers for the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, FIFA, and Olympic teams!
Most patients experience pain relief each session, but the best results typically take between 4 and 6 evenly spaced sessions. Chronic pain sufferers may require 10-12 sessions for the best result.
Not every person can benefit from Laser Therapy. Some people might have contraindications for Laser Therapy. If this is determined at the time of the visit a full refund will be returned to buyer. Current relative contraindications for laser therapy include: Encephalopathy, Hypersensitivity to laser, Lupus (severe), Meningitis, Neuropathy, Over tattoos, Patients using IR photosensitizing medications, Autoimmune disorders, Patients using steroids, Renal failure (severe).